Our Core Products

Rota Management with Mobile Apps

Rota Management with Mobile Apps

Care Homes Management Software

Care Homes Management Software

Uber/Ola Taxi Apps

Uber/Ola Taxi Apps

eCommerce Websites and Apps

eCommerce Websites and Apps

Rota Management with Mobile Apps

Worried about daily Staff Rotas?
Get ahead with our Rota Management app!
With this online rota planning tool we can have Easy and hassle-free management of the workforce, and with automatic notifications for any rota changes, which makes sure the staff will not miss a shift!

Care Homes CRM - All in one solution

The system provides end to end solution for Recruitment, Employee Management, Document Workflow and Forms management. Combined with the Hybrid Mobile Apps, the systems offers live chat and calling features.

Secure platform with Laravel JWT Authentication

Hybrid mobile application

App to keep children engaged and safe. This mobile app keeps track of all regulatory tasks, documentation, chating and sharing fun moments with the other children.

Voom Taxi app

Voom is the most secured cloud based Taxi software solution built on latest Hybrid technology platform (Flutter). Available on Android and Apple stores, Voom comes with the most popular features like Live Tracking, Heat Maps, Business/Private Driver logins, Multiple Payment Options and much more.


You got it right, with our Modern, Unique and Sleek designs we can provide you with the quality work at attrcative prices.
We can help you in building a robust website that can support more than 500k+ SKU and much more.
We belive in delivering the quality!!

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